Archive for April, 2010


Mayor of Shadowland

Red Moleskine notebook with DD drawing by me, and embossed metal tape panel

Small red Moleskine notebook with cover art by me.  The DD logo is stamped on using an antique rubber stamp, and the silvery part is aluminum duct tape, embossed with a pen.  The white smudges must be on my scanner glass, because they aren’t on the book.


If DD has armor, this must be the 90’s!

Custom Mighty Mugg I painted with the armored Daredevil costum

First custom Mighty Mugg that I completed.  This was a lot of fun, trying to figure out how to fit that armor stuff onto this strangely-shaped little figure.  The bo staff is made of two pencils connected at the eraser ferrules.


Who’s watchin’ the watches?

Digital Daredevil wristwatch

My least favorite of the lunchbox watches, because it was digital, and I hate digital watches.  This is the least pleasing graphic, too, with DD literally straddling the time. Bad design, marketing department.


Still watchin’ out!

Daredevil wristwatch analog style with red band

DD analog wristwatch in red in the lunchbox tin packaging

The red analog watch has the same graphic as the lunchbox package.  I had two of these, and wore the other one until the band broke.


Watch out, DD!

Daredevil analog wristwatch in "lunchbox" case

Around the time of the movie in 2003, Marvel licensed a series of Daredevil watches that came packaged in a tin that looks like a smallish lunchbox.

closeup of analog Daredevil wristwatch

Same image as was used on my DD coffee mug shown previously.


NOT the bat boy

1993 Daredevil ballcap

I got this ballcap recently, but the tag inside it reads copyright 1993, so I have to think it was old stock somewhere.  It’s sort of a dove grey with a navy blue bill that seems a little faded, but the tags are still in it, and evidently was never worn.  Until now.


Like brothers

Thread painting by me of Alex Maleev art. Foggy is mad enough at Matt to choke him.

This is a panel from one of my favorite comic book scenes.  Foggy and Matt are downstairs in the basement gym, talking first about how Matt has suddenly been hunted down by the latest damsel in distress that he saved.  A gorgeous woman comes in to talk to Matt, and he realizes that she’s the same one he saved (while dressed as DD) from a speeding truck.  Thing is, she’s blind, too, and he can’t put her off from recognizing him as the same guy like he can with sighted people.  She asks him out on a date, very forward and confident person that she is.  This leaves Matt in a daze, (partly because she just smells so damn good)and Foggy takes him downstairs for a man-to-man talk, and in the course of that conversation, feels like he could just strangle Matt for being a fool.  Foggy makes the pretend gesture behind Matt’s back, and of course Matt catches him.  Just the look on these two makes me laugh everytime I see this panel.

Story by Brian Bendis, art by Alex Maleev. Thread painting by me, approximately 5 inches x 5 inches.  Part of my “Nelson & Murdock” panel.


See Alice?

Daredevil, dressed in his yellow costume, reclines in a bathtub.

I have no idea what the bathtub has to do with anything, either.

It’s from an old Mousetrap game.

And no, DD does not have ED.


College daze

Thread painting of college-age Matt and Foggy

I’ve always liked this scene of John Romita, Jr’s art of Matt keeping Foggy from walking out into traffic.  From Frank Miller’s Man Without Fear.

Thread painting by me.  I took the liberty of changing the color of Matt’s hair somewhat as I always thought it was too blonde in that series, and changed Foggy’s hat and scarf from a really sickly looking pink to a more manly looking batch of colors that it looks like his mom might have knitted that stuff from.  Actually, it was a new variegated spool of thread I had, and wanted to try it out.  Matt’s hair is also done from a variegated thread.  It’s a trick to get it to sew out where you want it to make the shading come out right.


Guardian Devil

Cardboard standup, near lifesize, of Ben Affleck as Daredevil

Someone gifted me with this cardboard Daredevil standup after the album for the movie came out.  The Guardian Devil of the Inner Sanctum of the Domestic Goddess, aka my sewing studio.  Another movie costume DD swings from the ceiling fan.  Taken so long ago that it’s from my old low-res Sony Mavica camera.  Flat DD still resides behind my door in here.


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